A Stack is a “last in, first out” or “LIFO” collection that only allows access to the value at the top of the structure and iterates in that order, destructively.
composer r ghosty/stack
This way you can create a new object of type Stakc
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
use Ghosty\Component\Stack\Stack;
class TestController
public function show()
$Stack = new Stack();
The push method adds a new element to the stack.
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
The pop method returns the last added stack element and removes it from the stack
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
$Element = $Stack->pop(); // '1'
count($Stack); // 0;
The top method returns the last added stack element without removing it from the stack
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
$Element = $Stack->top(); // '1'
count($Stack); // 1
The isEmpty method returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
$empty = (new Stack())->push('1')->isEmpty(); // false
$empty = (new Stack())->isEmpty(); // true
The clear method clears the stack
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
$Stack = (new Stack())->push('1');
$empty = $Stack->isEmpty(); // false
$empty = $Stack->clear()->isEmpty(); // true
The __toArray method returns all elements of the stack as an array
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
$Stack = (new Stack())->push('1')->push('2');
$array = $Stack->__toArray(); // ['2', '1']
The count method returns the number of Stack elements, you can also use the standard PHP count method by passing an object of the Stack class to it
// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
class TestController
public function show()
$Stack = (new Stack())->push('1')->push('2');
$Count = $Stack->count(); // 2
$Count = count($Stack); // 2
Thanks to the AbstractStack class, you can create your own Stack class thanks to abstract class inheritance.
You can also override methods or write new ones in your class
// app/Stacks/TestStack.php
namespace App\Stacks;
use Ghosty\Component\Stack\AbstractStack;
class TestStack extends AbstractStack
*@param string $item Item to push
public function push(mixed $item): static
throw new \Exception("Error");
return parent::push($item);