

Bags/Multisets are a type of associative containers similar to the set, with the exception that multiple elements can have the same values.


composer r ghosty/bag



This way you can create a new object of type Bag

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

use Ghosty\Component\Bag\Bag;

class TestController
    public function show()
        $Bag = new Bag(['1', '2', '3']);


The all method returns an array of all elements of Bag

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Elements = $Bag->all();


The get method returns a Bag element by key

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Element = $Bag->get('1'); // '2'


The add method adds a new element by key

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Bag->add('3', '4');
        $Elements = $Bag->all(); // ['1', '2', '3', '4']


The replace method replaces all Bag elements with new ones

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Bag->replace(['6', '12']);

        $Elements = $Bag->all(); // ['6', '12']


The has method returns true if the element with the passed key exists in the Bag, otherwise the method returns false

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Elements = $Bag->all(); // ['6', '12']

        $Has = $Bag->has('0'); // true

        $Has = $Bag->has('12'); // false


The remove method removes a Bag element by key

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Elements = $Bag->all(); // ['6', '12']

        $Elements = $Bag->remove('0')->all(); // ['12']


The count method returns the number of Bag elements, you can also use the standard PHP count method by passing an object of the Bag class to it

// app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

class TestController
    public function show()

        $Elements = $Bag->all(); // ['12']

        $Count = $Bag->count(); // 1

        $Count = count($Bag); // 1

Making bag

Thanks to the AbstractBag class, you can create your own Bag class thanks to abstract class inheritance.
You can also override methods or write new ones in your class

// app/Bags/TestBag.php
namespace App\Bags;

use Ghosty\Component\Bag\AbstractBag;

class TestBag extends AbstractBag
    *@param string $value String value
    public function add(string $key, mixed $value): static
            throw new \Exception("Error");

        return parent::add($key, $value);